
Our congregation is involved in several community organizations in Pike County. Each member is encouraged to seek their personal mission and share in communal efforts.  Below are a few we are currently involved in supporting:


The Monthly Community Dinner is our largest mission.  On the last Tuesday of each month, we open our doors to the community for a hot meal and old-fashion fellowship. The homeless, jobless, lonely, and neighborhood gather for fellowship and food.  People on food stamps or fixed incomes, who need groceries, are offered a box of healthy food to meet about a week's worth of meals. Local churches are encouraged to participate in this event, as we need more volunteers to serve nearly 100 guests monthly.  Any agency or person's needing community service hours can also help and earn up to 3-4 hours of community service. Donations of food, time, and money are appreciated to support this mission.

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United Helping Hands is a non-profit thrift store providing emergency funds and clothing to households in Pike County.  In 2014, they were able to provide over $69,000 in assistance.  We send our community assistance funds to UHH to be distributed.  They also employee part-time positions when needed.  Our work crew volunteers the first Saturday of each month, at 9am, to help sort clothing, clean the store, and whatever else they may need at the time.  Pastor Mike serves on the Board for UHH.



Habitat for Humanity is well-known throughout the nation providing housing to low income families. Several church members volunteer to build, provide financial assistance, or serve on the Board for this noble cause.
